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Learn Alcohol Serving of different states.
This online course is approved by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) for individuals that need to obtain a Class 12 or Class 13 MAST Permit to serve alcohol at liquor-licensed businesses.
Craft Serving is the newest Mandatory Alcohol Server Training (MAST) provider in Washington! As such, its self-paced course is modern and easy to use. It teaches responsible alcohol service in a simple, straightforward manner so servers can get their MAST Permit quickly and efficiently!
Craft Serving’s online class features interactive lessons and realistic videos that make learning about Washington’s liquor laws fun and engaging. The course content has been developed by Pacific Northwest bartenders with years of experience working in the service industry. This approach provides alcohol servers with more relevant content while meeting the requirements of the WSLCB.
We know that Mandatory Alcohol Server Training (MAST) does not generally evoke feelings of excitement, which is why we developed this course to be as painless as possible. Let us help you get your MAST Permit today!
This online course is approved by the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) for individuals that need to obtain an OLCC Permit to serve alcohol at liquor-licensed businesses.
Craft Serving is the newest Alcohol Server Education provider in Oregon! As such, its self-paced course is modern and easy to use. It teaches responsible alcohol service in a simple, straightforward manner so servers can get their OLCC Permit quickly and efficiently!
Craft Serving’s online class features interactive lessons and realistic videos that make learning about Oregon’s liquor laws fun and engaging. The course content has been developed by Pacific Northwest bartenders with years of experience working in the service industry. This approach provides alcohol servers with more relevant content while meeting the requirements of the OLCC.
We know that Alcohol Server Education does not generally evoke feelings of excitement, which is why we developed this course to be as painless as possible. Let us help you get your OLCC Permit today!
This online course is approved by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) for individuals that need to obtain Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Certification in order to serve alcohol at liquor-licensed businesses.
Craft Serving is the newest RBS training provider in California! As such, its self-paced course is modern and easy to use. It teaches responsible alcohol service in a simple, straightforward manner so servers can get their RBS Certification quickly and efficiently!
Craft Serving’s online class features interactive lessons and realistic videos that make learning about California’s liquor laws fun and engaging. The course content has been developed by bartenders with years of experience working in the service industry. This approach provides alcohol servers with more relevant content while meeting the requirements of the ABC.
We know that RBS training does not generally evoke feelings of excitement, which is why we developed this course to be as painless as possible. Let us help you get RBS certified today!
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